Does Selling Your Home Now Make Sense?

Here’s a quick message for sellers who are on the fence about listing.


I just have a quick message for you as we head into 2022: 

The factors that control buying and selling a home have flattened out. There used to be a bell-shaped curve that showed spring and summer were the only times to sell, but that curve has since flattened. 

Nowadays, it doesn’t really matter the time of year. It’s still a great time to sell in the fall and winter, and it’s still a fantastic time to get the most out of your home. 

Considering A Home Sale? Our Clients Net More Money With Less Hassle. Tell Us About Your Home.


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If you’re considering a move, don’t let seasonality stop you. Give us a call or send us an email today, and we can go through your situation. We’d be happy to answer any questions you might have.